Naturhistorisches Museum Nürnberg

Guided tours

Guided tours for the general public:

No booking needed.
Starting times are indicated in the entrance hall of the museum.
The tours (2€ per person) must be paid for in addition to the entrance fee.
Most guided tours in English for the general public are not available at the moment.

For further information see the corresponding pages in German (Führungen nach Themen)

Special guided tours (must be booked):

The Natural History Society offers a variety of guided tours through the departments of ethnology, geology, and prehistory.
Fees, booking, and further information at the office (telephone 0911/227970) or via Email For further information see "Offers for groups"


Guided tour: Petra - an ancient metropolis on the Incense Route
Embark on a captivating journey through time as you explore the ancient wonders of Petra, the crown jewel of the Nabataean civilization. Step into a world where intricate rock-cut architecture meets the natural beauty of the Jordanian desert and uncover the secrets of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Our expert-guided tour delves into the rich history and culture of the Nabataeans, from their ingenious water management systems to the legendary Treasury carved into the rose-red cliffs. Be mesmerized by the intricacies of Petra´s temples, tombs, and theaters, each telling a tale of a bygone era. Join us on an unforgettable adventure to unravel the mysteries of Petra and experience the magic of this ancient wonder firsthand
So. 29.09.2024              - 14:00 Uhr
So. 08.12.2024              - 14:00 Uhr

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Naturhistorisches Museum
Marientorgraben 8
90402 Nürnberg

The museum is accessible for wheelchairs and is equipped with facilities for disabled persons.

for groups

